Child Safeguarding
I am sure you are aware of the historic allegations by people regarding FA officials/football coaches at larger clubs that have been in the press recently. Borough Green Junior Football Club wishes to reassure parents that as a Charter Standard Club we take Child safeguarding extremely seriously. We commit to ensuring that all our team officials working with youth teams have an in date accepted FA CRC. We commit to ensuring that all youth teams have an FA qualified coach with in-date FA Safeguarding and Emergency Aid certificates. We commit to ensuring that all our team officials and committee members complete The FAs safeguarding training.
Should there be any area of Child Safeguarding concerns, you may contact the relevant coach manager or the club Safeguarding officer Rupert Bonny on 07763359439 or the Kent FA Safeguarding officer Val Hajialexandrou on 01622 791850 or the NSPCC child line 0800 800 5000.
Kind regards
Howard Passingham